Volume: 3 Issue: 2, 12/29/23

Year: 2023

KutBilim Journal of Social Sciences and Art is a periodical publication in which scholarship relating to a particular academic discipline to contribute to humanity and science.
The main purpose of KutBilim Journal of Social Sciences and Arts is to publish scientific and original articles in the fields of social sciences and arts.

Some important goals:

1. To contribute to scientific studies and to be a journal that contributes to the development of science.

2. To be qualified literature in the field of social sciences and arts.

3. To provide open access to scientists and readers by indexed with different databases.

4. Hostsing International and National Conferences.

The journal covers topics in the all disciplines of social science and in the fields of art. The topics related to this journal include but are not limited to:

Banking and Insurance
Banking Practices
Business Administration
Central and Local Governments
Civil Society
Constitutional Developments
Contemporary Linguistics
Criminal Justice
Crisis management
Culture Tourism
Economic Systems
Economics Management
Economics management
Education Management
Education management
Film and TV
Fine Arts
Foreign Trade


Government Systems
Health Management
Health Tourism
Human and Social Capital
Human Resources
Human Rights and Democracy
International Relations
International Trade
Local Governments
Management and Organization
Nature Tourism
Organization Theory
Organizational Behavior
Organizational behavior
Political Economy
Political Management
Political Parties

Political Psychology
Political Sociology
Public Administration
Regional Policies
Religious Education
Religious Studies
Risk Management
Social Policy
Social Psychology
Sports Economics
Sports Facility Management
Sports Financing
Sports Management
Strategic Management
Tourism Management
Dialects and Literatures
Unemployment and Employment


The title should match the content and express it in the best way.
It should be centered, written in capital and bold letters (font size = 14 points) and should be concisely worded (should not consist of more than 10-12 words)


The names of the author(s) should be written below the title of the article and in the middle of the page.
The name of the author(s) should be written in lowercase and surname in capital letters. Author’s affiliation, email address and ORCID number should be written under the first page.


The (structured) abstracts should include;
• objective(s)
• methodology
• findings and conclusions
• originality
The maximum length of abstracts should be between 150 and 250 words, including keywords.
For articles written in Turkish or other languages, an English abstract should be attached.
The keywords should be a minimum of 5 and a maximum of 8 words and should capture the principal topics of the paper.


During the submission process, the authors will be asked to select a type of their papers. The options are as follows:
- Research Article
- Review Article
- Case Study
- Short Report


Body text: Manuscripts should contain at least 3500 and no more than 8000 words, including abstract and bibliography. Experimental, quantitative and qualitative studies should include introduction, method, results, and discussion sections in the main text.

Margins: Margins of all sides should be 2.5 cm.

Section titles: Main titles and sub-titles should be used to enable a smoother design of the paper. The main titles and bibliography should be fully capitalized and should be written in bold characters (font size = 12 points). The subtitles should have only their first letters capitalized and should be written in bold characters.

Visuals: Images such as pictures, photos, tables, diagrams should be inserted in the text centered on the pages. Numbers should be written at the bottom of each visual in 10 points (Table 1. Table 2,….). The numbers that are given to each item should also be given in the text and necessary explanations about the visuals must be clearly indicated. Authors should have received written permission to use any visual in your manuscript that has been created by a third party.

Quotations: Direct quotations should be placed in quotation marks and cited. If the quotation is longer than 2.5 lines, it should be turned into a block quote with a 1.5 cm indentation on the right and left and the font size should be 1 point smaller.

Footnotes/Endnotes: Footnotes and endnotes should only be used only if absolutely necessary.

All references must be formatted using APA style (6th ed.).
- Single author: (Adams 2016: 23)
- Multiple authors: (Smith et al. 2016)
- If the text includes the name of the author, only the date should be given: Alan (2014: 45) says……
- Sources and manuscripts without publication date: (Nevski)
- Encyclopedias and other sources without authors: (Only the name of the source)
- If quoted from a quotation, the original source should also be specified: Williams (2016, qtd. in Ronald 2016)
- Personal interviews: (Kokoshkin, 2015)
- Internet references should always include date of access: (www.turkedebiyatiisimlersozlugu.com (Accessed: 15.12.2014))
At the end of the paper, authors should supply a reference list in alphabetical order (surnames first) using the style guidelines below. If available, DOI numbers should be included at the end of each reference.
- Single author:
Smith, Alan (2015). American Foreign Policy. New York: Routledge.
- Two authors:
Adams, John and Curtis Kirk (2017). American Literature. London: Macmillan.
- If a source has more than two authors, the surname and name of the first author should be written and the rest should be indicated by et al.:
Akyüz, Kenan et.al. (1958). Fuzulî Türkçe Dîvân. Ankara: İş Bankası Yay.
- The title of books and journals should be written in italics. The title of articles and book chapters should be placed in quotation marks and require the indication of page numbers:
Berk, İlhan (1997). Poetika. İstanbul: Yapı Kredi Yay.
Demir, Nurettin (2012). “Türkçede Evidensiyel”. Bilig, Türk Dünyası Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi 62: 97-117.
- Translator, compiler, editors’ names should be given after the author and title of the work:
Shaw, Stanford (1982). Osmanlı İmparatorluğu. Trans. Mehmet Harmancı. İstanbul: Sermet Matb.
- If an author has more than one publication of the same date, the works should be indicated as (a, b):
Develi, Hayati (2002a). Evliya Çelebi Seyahatnamesine Göre 17. Yüzyıl Osmanlı Türkçesinde Ses Benzeşmesi ve Uyumlar. Ankara: TDK Yay.
Develi, Hayati (2002b). XVIII. Yüzyıl İstanbul Hayatına Dair Risâle-i Garîbe. İstanbul: Kitabevi.
- For encyclopedia entries, the following order should be followed - the author’s surname and name, the writing date of the entry, the title of the entry in quotation marks, the full name of the encyclopedia, its volume number, publication place, publisher and the entry’s page number:
İpekten, Haluk (1991). “Azmî-zâde Mustafa Hâletî”. İslâm Ansiklopedisi. Vol. 4. İstanbul: Türkiye Diyanet Vakfı Yay. 348-349.
- For theses and dissertation, after the surname and name of the thesis author, date of the thesis, full title of the thesis in italic characters, thesis type, name of the city and the university where the thesis was prepared should be written:
Karakaya, Burcu (2012). Garîbî’nin Yûsuf u Züleyhâ'sı: İnceleme-Tenkitli Metin-Dizin. Master’s Thesis. Kırşehir: Ahi Evran Üniversitesi.
- For handwritten manuscipts, the following order should be followed: Surname and name of the author, title of the work, library, collection, catalogue number, sheet:
Mustafa, Ahmet. Zeyl-i Zübdetü'l-Eş‘âr. Millet Kütüphanesi. A. Emirî Efendi. No. 1326. vr. 45a.
- For works on the internet: surname and name of the author, title of message, internet address (accessed date):
Turkiye Cumhuriyet Merkez Bankasi. “Geçinme Endeksi (Ücretliler)”. http://evds.tcmb.gov.tr/ (Accessed: 04.02.2009).
- Manuscripts that have been accepted for publication but not published yet:
Atilim, Murat ve Ekin Tokat (2008). “Forecasting Oil Price Movements with Crack Spread Futures”. Energy Economics. In print (doi:10.1016/ j.eneco.2008.07.008).
- If in the article sources written in other languages other than the language of the article are used, then the translation of these sources in the language of the article should be written in parentheses. For instance, if the article is written in English:
Karabulut, Ferhat (2019). “Cengiz Dagci’nin ve Cengiz Aytmatov’un Romanlarinda Kolhozlar ve Kolhoz Sisteminin Ruslastırmadaki Rolu” (The Role of Kolkhoz and Kolkhoz System in Russification in Cengiz Dagci’s and Cengiz Aitmatov’s Novels). TURUK Uluslararasi Dil, Edebiyat ve Halkbilimi Arastirmalari Dergisi 7(16): 56-77.
- References given in the text should be compatible with the sources listed in the bibliography.
If the research was financially supported, all sources of external research funding must be referenced in the acknowledgements section.


The topic of the book should match the scope of the KutBilim.
The book that is to be reviewed must have been published at most 1 year before the next publication of the journal.
A book review should be between 800-1000 words and should contain a concise description, critical view and significance of a book.
Author’s affiliation, email address and ORCID number should be written under the first page.
The text of book review should be 12 points with 1.5 line spacing, and in Times New Roman font. Margins of all sides should be 2.5 cm.
Visuals should not be used in a book review.
A book review should not include contractions, first or second person viewpoints, incomplete sentences, ambiguous terminology, and slang, informal style as well as wordy phrases.

KutBilim is a peer-reviewed, scientific and international journal that publishes in the field of arts and social sciences.

In order to be published the articles in KutBilim, it must not have been previously published or accepted for publication elsewhere and must be an original article that will fill a gap in its field. Papers presented at a conference or symposium may be accepted for publication if this is clearly indicated.

KutBilim publishes articles in Turkish, English, Russian and other languages. The English version of the title, abstract and keywords should be placed at the article.

Articles submitted to KutBilim are first reviewed in terms of compliance with journal principles. Those found unsuitable are returned to their authors for revision. Academic objectivity and scientific quality are considered of paramount importance in the evaluation of articles submitted for publication.

With the plagiarism detection program, it is confirmed that the articles have not been published before and do not contain plagiarism. Articles detected to be plagiarized are rejected without being included in the referee process.

Articles in accordance with editorial principles are reviewed by the Editorial Board. Submissions found suitable are referred to two referees working in relevant fields. The names of the referees are kept confidential and referee reports are stored 5 years by KutBilim Journal of Arts and Social Sciences. A single referee report is sufficient for the rejection of articles, but at least two referee reports are required to be accepted. If one of the referee reports is positive and the other negative, the article may be forwarded to a third referee for further assessment or alternatively the Editorial Board may make a final decision based on the nature of the two reports. The authors are responsible for revising their articles in line with the criticism and suggestions made by the referees and the Editorial Board. If they disagree with any issues, they may make an objection by providing clearly-stated reasons.

The royalty rights of the articles accepted to be published in KutBilim are considered transferred to KutBilim Research, Culture and Solitarity Association.
Authors have full responsibility for the views expressed in their articles and for their stylistic preferences. Quotations from other articles and duplication of photographs are permitted as long as they are fully referenced and cited.
During article evaluation and publication in KutBilim fee is not charged to the author. No royalty fee is paid to the author.

No fee is charged from the author during the evaluation and publication phase of the article. No royalties are paid to the author.